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Using Sul Nutrition Products

Should I use it for short (60min) sessions?

It depends. Fuelling for short sessions depends on the broader context of your training/racing. If you are training 6 or 7 days a week we would recommend to fuel every workout regardless of duration. If you are training 2 or 3 times per week and you have a short workout with no planned activity the following day then fasted training is an option.

When should I use Sul Nutrition?

Our carbohydrate mix is best utilised in the hours leading up to and throughout training/events/races. It can also be used in the 48 hours prior as part of a carbohydrate loading protocol.

Should I combine Sul Nutrition with other foods/drinks/gels?

There is no need for additional foods or gels during activity. In fact mixing Sul Nutrition with other products that are not of the same Maltodextrin:Fructose ratio could reduce the effectiveness.

Should I train using Sul Nutrition or save it for race day?

Never do anything new on race day! It is important you train and complete race simulations with Sul Nutrition. Doing so will ensure your gut is accustomed to the doses of carbohydrate required. Training with inadequate nutrition hinders the adaptations that are desired as such it is important to fuel your training correctly.

Can I use caffeine in conjunction with Sul Nutrition?

Yes certainly. Caffeine is a proven performance supplement and should be considered by athletes.

Can I make a gel from Sul Nutrition?

Yes. We have many athletes who use the provided funnel and a soft flask to make a gel. Simply add the required dry mix into the flask and then add hot water to dissolve. When consuming in this way be sure to drink additional water to aid with your gut processing the carbohydrates

Can I leave pre mixed bottles in the fridge to consume later?

Yes, this is possible however we recommend consuming within 24 hours of mixing.

Do I need to brush my teeth after using Sul Nutrition?

We suggest brushing your teeth after sessions, this is the best approach to maintaining good dental health.

About SUL products

How does the process work? What is personalised?

By sharing your FTP (we keep it a secret, don't worry) we create a personalised label for your tub. This informs you how many grams per hour of mix to consume for each training zone and FTP %.

Are Sul Nutrition products safe to use?

All Sul Nutrition products are batch tested to ensure no WADA prohibited substances are present.

Why do we need your power output (FTP)?

The amount of glycogen your body uses is proportional to the work done and intensity of the work. High amounts of work (power output) require large amounts of energy, at lower intensities the body burns predominantly fat stores, at higher intensities the body will favour the oxidation of carbohydrates.

Where are the products made?

Sul Nutrition is manufactured in Melbourne, Australia in a HACCP & ISO9001:2015 facility

Can I provide Heart Rate (HR) maximum if I don’t have a power figure?

Heart Rate unfortunately is a poor metric for work done by your muscles. We encourage you to use an output metric such as power.

Why is it unflavoured?

Flavoured drinks can become unappealing during long events and this can deter athletes from consuming their required nutrition. Flavourings are an additive that is not required for endurance performance and can add to stomach distress for those athletes who are sensitive. If you would like some flavour we suggest you add a Hydralyte effervescent tablet to the mix. This also increases the electrolyte intake.

What is in Sul Nutrition?

The Sul Nutrition mix uses two sources of energy and a mix of electrolytes. Using both Maltodextrin and Fructose supports the gut processing of high doses (70g per hour and upwards). The electrolyte blend ensures you remain hydrated during your activity. You can find a detailed ingredients list and nutritional information on our product page.

How can I determine my FTP?

There are several tests you can do in order to determine your FTP. A ramp test on Zwift or something similar will give you a value, alternatively 95% of your maximum 20min power will also work.


If you have any questions, feedback or a product enquiry, we’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 2-3 business days.